"Understanding the Haney Soil Health Test: A conversation with the experts" is a workshop being hosted by Linn County Soil Conservation, the Iowa Soybean Association, and the Marion NRCS/SWCD office. Learn more about the details of the Haney soil test and how to interpret results from the creator himself, Dr. Rick Haney.
When: Tuesday, February 7th, 9:30am-11:30am
Where: Lowe Park, Oaks Room
4500 10th St Marion, IA
The workshop is open to all, but is especially intended for farmers, landowners, and agricultural professionals who have used the Haney test in the past or are interested in using it to guide their decisions to improve soil health. The test integrates chemical and biological measurements to assess nutrient availability to both soil microbes and plants.
This workshop is free, and registration is not required, though the submission of an RSVP is appreciated. Visit <tinyurl.com/HaneyTalk> or scan the QR code to RSVP. Coffee and donuts will be provided courtesy of the Iowa Soybean Association. For questions, please email Alyssa Guritz at alyssa.guritz@ia.nacdnet.net or call (319)-377-5960, ext 3.